
Unfreezing the Print Release Station

Face it: it happens. Sometimes it takes a few tries to figure out how to unfreeze the LPTOne print release station without losing the jobs waiting to be printed. If you haven't figured it out already, here's the

Usually all you need to do to unfreeze the print release station is stop the Microsoft C++ Runtime Library:

  1. Press the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys, which will pull up the Task Manager.
  2. You should see two things listed in the Task Manager: LPTOne and the C++ Runtime Library
  3. Press the C++ Runtime Library to highlight it, then press the "Stop" button at the bottom of the Task Manager window.
  4. If the Task Manager window doesn't close by itself at that point, close it by pressing the "x" in the upper right corner of the Task Manager window.

Everything should work fine after that. The C++ Runtime Library typically just restarts itself when it is needed. However, if a job still won't print (and gives a cryptic error message), stop and restart LPTOne:

  1. Press on the Administration button at the top of the screen.
  2. Enter the password (it's the same as the Override password)
  3. Press on the button on the right to "Stop LPTOne"
  4. IMPORTANT! when it asks whether to save the existing print jobs, press the YES button!
  5. Once LPTOne closes, press on its icon on the desktop, then press the "Enter" key (on the keyboard) to open it.

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