
Major scheduling blunder (on my part)

Sirsi Dynix is having a Webinar with Marshall Breeding this Friday (6/13/08) at 11:00, and I have a class starting at 10:30. For the uninitiated, Marshall Breeding is to Library Automation as Greg Notess is to Search Engines (what? you haven't heard of Greg Notess?). Marshall Breeding has been following and tracking what has been going on with Library Automation for eons in Internet time.

He is one of the people you want to listen to when it comes to library technology. At the Internet Librarian 2007 Conference, he gave a quick presentation, during the lunch break, on Next Generation Library Interfaces.

Fortunately, they keep an archive of their presentations. Of course, you can't ask questions viewing the archive (and expect to get an answer...).

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